Hi, i'm rebecca

After moving around the world many times, my little family is settling down in Stuttgart, Germany for the next few years. This has been our 12th move, and while each one comes with stress and tears, we've never not fallen in love with each of the cities and countries we've called home. 

Though I knew my children would never get to revisit the house that I brought them home from the hospital to, play on the same streets where they learned to ride their bicycles, or graduate with friends they'd known for years, I wanted desperately for them to know their story - to never forget how the places that molded them looked and felt. The desire to preserve these memories for them is what drove me to not just document their lives, but to learn how to use light and space to really fully capture the scene - so we can look back at our family photographs and almost hear and smell these places we may never see again.

Photography gives us the ability to go back in time - to share moments with our friends and families, our children and theirs. I'm so glad you're considering investing in documenting your own story, so that it can be revisited for years and generations to come and I'd love to serve you as your European photographer.

I'm So Glad you're here!

As your European photographer, the beauty of authentic connection is the focus of my vision. You'll see the use of space and natural elements throughout my work as I document the connection you have with your favorite people in some of the most beautiful locations in the world. I want to not only give you photographs, but create for you an experience. I want you to be able to focus on your people and breathe in the moment  - I want you to feel confident and powerful yet humbled by the setting we're in. I want you to love freely as I create the art that tells your story.

my visiOn

up at 4 every day!

early bird or night owl

extroverted introvert!

introvert or extrovert?

Henry and Anna


no accent - but I'm from Texas


chamomile, please!

tea or coffee?

Five and counting!

countries I've called home

the fun facts

no accent - I'm from Texas


chamomile please!

tea or coffee

Five and counting!

countries we've lived in


up at 4 every day!

early bird or Night owl

extroverted introvert

introvert or extrovert?

Henry and Anna


the fun facts